Tuesday 2 January 2018

Watching The Watchdog

But for how much longer? Toby Young's tweets about women are coming out thick and fast, so that's the end of him, then. Why didn't they advertise the "job"? Surely it cannot have been invented specifically for him, in order to keep his easily placated fanboys happy?

A Corbyn supporter who had tweeted one thing half as bad as any of these dozens would be torn apart. Toby Young is just not a suitable person to be anything. At all. Ever. He has already failed in America, where no one had heard of his father. Where does that leave?


  1. I rather like Toby Young since he's now offending the liberal establishment. He's upset all the right people.


    He's going to delight in giving it back to the people giving him a hard time, once those powers to fine left-wing Universities comes in...

    1. Don't be silly. He's already as good as finished.
